Peterborough Diocesan Advisory Committee
All consecrated buildings and burial grounds are subject to the jurisdiction of the Diocesan Bishop. The Bishop does not exercise this jurisdiction personally, but through the Chancellor of the Diocese, who is one of the two legal officers of the diocese, the other being the Diocesan Registrar. Apart from certain matters contained in List A in Schedule 1 of the Faculty Jurisdiction Rules 2015 (as amended), no alterations may be made to a consecrated building or burial ground without the authority of the relevant Archdeacon for matters within List B. Matters not falling within List A or List B or which are Excluded Matters will require a permission called a Faculty before work can commence.
Each Diocese has a Diocesan Advisory Committee ("DAC"). The functions of a DAC are set out in Schedule 2 of the Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction Measure and Care of Churches Measure 2018. The principal function of the DAC is to advise the Chancellor on applications for Faculties.
The DAC includes Members with expertise in particular areas relating to church buildings, such as architecture, stained glass, organs, archaeology, etc. The DAC's main role is in advising the Chancellor of the Diocese in connection with applications for Faculties to authorise the carrying out of works to churches and churchyards, but the DAC is willing to give preliminary advice to Parochial Church Councils prior to their making applications for Faculties.
The Faculty Jurisdiction Rules 2015 (as amended) provide for consultation and advice prior to the start of faculty proceedings. The principle aim is to "frontload" the consultation process, with a view to all consultation taking place prior to the issue of a Notification of Advice by the DAC, i.e., prior to the commencement of faculty proceedings. Under Part 4 of the Rules, the DAC are required to assist and support parishes through the consultation process by ensuring all necessary consultations are completed and, so far as possible, any issues resolved before the DAC issues its Notification of Advice. When a parish consults the DAC on its proposals, the DAC must consider whether it should give the parish initial advice to assist it in relation to its proposals. Whether initial advice is needed will depend on the nature of the particular scheme in hand. In some cases where proposals are of an entirely straightforward nature, or do not involve a listed building, the DAC might take the view that initial advice is not needed and, if the parish has provided what is needed for the DAC to make a recommendation, simply proceed to issue a Notification of Advice. In other cases, for example where proposals are complex or involve making changes to a listed building, the DAC is likely to take the view that it should give initial advice to the parish. The range of matters on which the DAC may give initial advice is not limited but where changes that will have an impact on the significance of a listed building are proposed, the DAC must advise the parish of the need to provide Statements of Significance and Needs. It must also advise the parish of any applicable requirements as to consultation with Historic England, amenity societies, the local planning authority and the Church Buildings Council. The DAC will not issue its Notification of Advice under Part 4 of the Rules until any applicable consultation requirements have been complied with and the DAC has all the information needed for it to give its final advice.
It is not necessary for the DAC's advice to be sought in relation to the matters of exhumations or reservation of grave spaces.
Pending Faculty Petitions
Rule 9.9 of The Faculty Jurisdiction Rules 2015 (as amended) provides that notice of all Faculty Petitions which relate to work that involves:
- demolition of a listed building;
- alteration to or the extension of:
- any part of a Grade I or Grade II* listed building; or
- the exterior of a Grade II listed building to such extent as would be likely to affect its character as a building of special architectural or historic interest; or
- demolition affecting the exterior of an unlisted building in a conservation area.
should be published on the Diocesan website.
The Registrar or Chancellor will give directions for the publication on the Diocesan website of a notice which contains the following:-
- details of the church or building to which the petition relates
- a statement that an application is being made to the consistory court for permission to carry out works to the church or building
- a description of the works
- details of where a copy of the petition, plans and other documents may be inspected, and
- a date (which must not be less than 21 days from the date of publication of the notice) by which any objection must reach the Registrar.
Please use the link below for a list of all current Faculty Petitions (other than petitions for exhumation, and reservation of graves spaces). Only those marked Grade I or Grade II* are subject to Rule 9.9.
List of current pending Faculty Petitions
DAC Meetings and Agenda Deadlines
Agenda Deadline | Date of Meeting |
19 November 2024 | 3 December 2024 |
14 January 2025 | 28 January 2025 |
25 February 2025 | 11 March 2025 |
15 April 2025 | 29 April 2025 |
3 June 2025 | 17 June 2025 |
8 July 2025 | 22 July 2025 |
19 August 2025 | 2 or 9 September TBC 2025 |
7 October 2025 | 21 October 2025 |
25 November 2025 | 9 December 2025 |
13 January 2026 | 27 January 2026 |
Useful Web Sites
Advice and guidance for church buildings : The Church of England
Places of Worship : Historic England
For further information
Please contact:
Emily Elliott, DAC Secretary
Tel: 01733 887038